Legal IT Exchange 2011

  • 10-12 Apr 2011
  • Brussels, Belgium


Increasing economic, regulatory and operational pressures are propelling corporate lawyers and law firms to leverage legal technologies as a key business tool and cost cutting enabler to manage legal matters. In this high-risk environment, Legal IT executives are faced with budget cuts, increased workloads and global challenges. Now more than ever, they must look to optimise their legal spend and improve operational efficiencies to maintain a competitive edge.

Developing relationship management strategies with external services, integrating Web 2.0 as a business tool and developing transparent controls of email and electronic documents will all prove to be key strategies in overcoming the economic turmoil today and provide longevity for the future. In this elite gathering of key Legal IT executives, speak with your peers, benchmark and network on the latest technologies and understand how the most pressing issues are being dealt with in other organisations.

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Please, check "Legal IT Exchange" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations
Technology: Information Technology (IT)

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