The Life Sciences Lawyer`s Guide to 2011

  • 26-27 Jan 2011
  • Downtown Conference Center, New York City, NY, United States


Your Most Pressing PTA/PTE Quandaries SOLVED!
PTA and PTE are essential to patent life cycle longevity especially in the life sciences. The life sciences industries invest numerous resources into preserving the patent life and subsequent profi ts of products which take years to produce. Each day of patent life equals millions of dollars in profi ts. A loss of even one day can have substantial impact on your company s profi t margin. Moreover, recent court decisions and the introduction of an abbreviated pathway for follow-on biological products have made knowing the ins and outs of PTE and PTA a critical competency for every patent practitioner servicing the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device industries.

Learn from the PTA and PTE Masters.
Hear directly from lawyers at the forefront
of Wyeth and Japan Tobacco.
Fine tune your PTE know-how.

ACI has designed this two day intensive program to help you master the skills you need to face your greatest PTA and PTE challenges head on. A faculty of PTA and PTE experts will offer practical solutions and in-depth instruction for everything from eligibility requirements to calculation to the application and reconsideration processes to the interplay of these mechanisms.

Come and learn everything that you wanted to know about PTA
and PTE and more.

Past Events


Please, check "The Life Sciences Lawyer`s Guide to" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations
Health & Medicine: Medical device, Medical technology, Pharma
Technology: Biotechnology

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