Warranty Chain Management Conference 2011

  • 15-17 Mar 2011
  • Hyatt Regency Mission Bay, San Diego, CA, United States


This annual event provides a forum for Warranty Professionals and Executives to meet and discuss warranty related issues and develop warranty management as a recognized discipline. The conference is intended to appeal to a diverse range of companies encompassing electronics, automotive, aerospace and white goods industries; as well as their service providers and companies who develop tools and software which support the multi-billion dollar warranty industries.

WCM is a growing area of interest in many companies, ranging from large multi-nationals through to mid-size and smaller engineering, call center management and warranty service providers. Effective warranty management has the capability to significantly impact a company s bottom line profitability and drive competitive advantage.

As a discipline, warranty management tools and techniques are still in their infancy with many companies striving to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their warranty management processes. There are very few forums which specifically enable warranty professionals to come together to share best practices and learn of the challenges and solutions from other competitive and comparative industries.

If your company produces products or services that include either a legally mandated or market driven warranty coverage then there will be something in the WCM series of conferences applicable to you. If your company finances extended warranties, is a repair service provider or undertakes call center management then WCM is the conference to attend as it encompasses the end-to-end processes that affect your businesses and provides a single and central forum to meet and learn from warranty professionals in other companies.

Visitors profile
CEOs, CFOs, Warranty Managers, Quality Managers, Ops Managers, Call Center Managers, Marketing Managers, Product Generation Managers, Supply Chain and Contracts Managers, IT Managers, Managers of security and legal departments, Consultants & tool vendors

Past Events


Please, check "Warranty Chain Management Conference" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Business: Finance, Logistics, Management, Quality assurance
Government & Global Issues: Law & Regulations
Technology: Information Technology (IT)

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