The search for African political and economic integration, which began outside Africa, finally led to the formation of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in 1963 and was transformed into the African Union (AU) in 2002. Despite the pursuit of divergent and competing national interests by member states, both the OAU and AU represent Africa’s collective efforts in search of formal integration and development

OAU/AU was established with the fundamental objective of promoting the unity, solidarity and cooperation of African States to achieve a better life for the peoples of Africa. Since its inauguration, the OAU has not only contributed to the total liberation of Africa from the vestiges of colonialism and apartheid but also has provided a unique framework for Africa`s collective action/efforts. However, in light of the changing global order and the need to accelerate Africa`s integration, member States felt it is necessary to transform the OAU into the African Union (AU)

With a humble bearing and an incisive mind, our late forefather work hard to overthrow colonial regime and form the OAU/AU. Here  are some of the key quotes of our forefather,  Patrice Lumumba “Who will ever forget the shootings or the barbarous jail cells awaiting those who refused to submit to this (colonial) regime of injustice, oppression and intimidation?”  Kwame Nkrumah contended  that  “We must unite now or perish. I am confident that by our concerned effort and determination, we shall lay here the foundations for a continental Union of African States. The struggle against colonialism does not end with the attainment of national independence. We have emerged…………” J.K Nyerere  asserted  that  “Africa must travel together as one, or no part of it will arrive at its destination”

Since independence in 1960s, African Unity (OAU/AU) have established various forms of formal integration arrangements to promote unity and economic development. OAU/AU has surmountably  achieved national independence of African States from the yoke of colonialism, the formation of regional grouping in all scope of Africa including (ECOWAS, EAC, IGAD, SADC, SAC, MAGREB UNION), with a  precious contribution towards the objective of achieving social, political and development of the  regional blocks.

Unfortunately,  As the organization prepares to commemorate 51 years of existence, many analyst question why political and economic unity among many of the 54 member African states have made little; to no progress in the post-colonial era.  There numbers of issues in Africa that has been impediment the continent from achieving her target,

 In Africa, the political instability of political systems has attributed to corruption where minority market and flourish at the expense of the majority. In such a situation, the only remedy open to the oppressed, suppressed and exploited by such a system is to take up arms against those in power for example DRC, Somalia, Sudan, Mali, Nigeria, Liberia, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. The unfocussed African leader embraces external great power for their interests and hold fail of AU in progress.  If political institutions are developed in such a manner that there is an even playing field and there is accountability, there will be stability in Africa

Whether we like or not, foreign direct investment and  loans from multilateral organization like world Bank and IMF due the lack of international capital market has outweigh African continent fail over control her political economic decisions over western countries like USA, Europe, China, Japan and India. Therefore African resources have been over grabbed by these nations despite having African Unity (AU).

The Intra- trade between Africa is 10% last year  very minimal nevertheless the established free trade areas within regional blocks when making comparison with other nations example Intra-trade among the EU-27 is around 70%, 51% for Asian countries, 50% for North America countries and 26%for South American countries.  Africa`s share in world trade is also small and importation of western products is of higher amount in Africa.

The rate of dependent is of higher than even during colonial time in most of African countries. The situation in Africa has not come to any where closer to make the most of her natural wealth, and the most of the wealth produced is not been retained in  Africa for the benefit of Africans. In recently time within many African states foreign investors have ownership in land, mines, factories, banks, insurance companies, hotels, mass media, transportation and energy power. For that case the wealth of African will flow outward to non-Africans.  One writer asserted that “ when a child or the young of the any other species ceases to be dependent upon its parents  for food and protection, it can be said to have developed in the direction of maturity”. The nations in African after 51 year anniversary almost depend to foreign countries.

We have failed to reach to the Promised Land even after 51 years. “A people without sound knowledge of history are doomed to repeat it” The resolution to all African problem has been detailed documented by our forefather on what to do as people in African, yet we still have no initiative to move forward. What African Unity (AU) can proud of only is liberations of African continent from colonial tentacles.  

Therefore, African unity (AU) has achieved little in this global coordination and there is a need for Africans leaders to build political will, implementations of the agreed reforms, make use of multilateral companies for mutual benefits, to resolve structural and violence conflicts,  to rebuild African depending on its resources not donors, to invest on the transportation/ infrastructure that can connect countries and regional block,  to establish regular coordination on how to cooperate with great power like USA, Europe, China, Japan to mention a few. If all these will be structured in African, the African Unity (AU) will be reality otherwise it will still be a myth or a dream despite little achievements. “Comment”


Paul G. Adogamhe. Pan-Africanism Revisited: Vision and Reality of African Unity and DevelopmentVol.2 No.2, July 2008