The 7th Asia Symposium on Image Processing (ASIP 2025) focuses on the latest advancements and applications in image processing, computer graphics, and virtual reality technologies.
- 3D imaging
- 3D images and models
- Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos
- Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for images, audio and video
- Classification and clustering techniques
- Case studies and emerging technologies
- Compression methods
- Color and texture
- Computer animation
- Computational geometry
- Content-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos
- Computer art and entertainment (including games)
- Database architectures for image/video retrieval
- Curves and meshes
- Emerging display technologies
- E-Learning applications and computer graphics
- Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition
- Evaluation of image and video retrieval systems
- Fusion of multimedia
- Fractal geometry and applications
- Modeling techniques
- Graph theory in image processing and vision
- Multimodal display systems
- Multimedia Systems and Applications
- Novel image data management systems and applications
- Multimodal human computer interaction
- Ontologies for annotation and search of images and videos
- Object recognition
- Real-time collision detection algorithms
- Query models, paradigms, and languages for image/video retrieval
- Rendering methods
- Real-time rendering for VR
- Semantic-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos
- Retrieval from multimodal lifelogs
- Signal and speech processing
- Shadows, translucency and visibility
- Haptic devices and techniques
- Graphics algorithms and applications
- Human-computer interfaces
- High performance image/video indexing algorithms
- Image compression, coding, and encryption
- Illumination and reflection techniques
- Image feature extraction
- Image data structures for computer graphics
- Image geometry and multi-view geometry
- Image generation, acquisition, and processing
- Image/video summarization and visualization
- Image/video search and browsing on the Web
- Immersive virtual reality
- Image-based modeling and algorithms
- Interactive digital media
- Integration of virtual reality and multimedia
- Knowledge-based recognition
- Interactive techniques
- Learning and relevance feedback in image/video retrieval
- Learning and assessment based on virtual reality approaches
- Machine architectures/engines for graphics and VR
- Machine learning technologies for vision
- Simulation and virtual reality
- Modeling of natural scenes and phenomena
- Software tools for virtual reality
- Software tools for computer graphics
- Studies of information-seeking behavior among image/video users
- Sound rendering technologies
- Virtual and augmented reality
- Surface modeling
- Virtual humans and artificial life
- Virtual environments
- Virtual reality and emerging applications
- Virtual laboratories
- Virtual reality techniques for behavioral and cognitive assessment
- Virtual reality software tools and languages
- Visual computing and graphics
- Virtual reality, visualization, and education
- Visualization