Biennial Congress for Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences 2010

  • 20 Mar 2010
  • Katholieke Hogeschool (KHBO), Brugge, Belgium


The VVS congress will be a cornerstone of our society. A place to update knowledge but also a place to gather. The  decision  to  organise  a  biennial  congress  was deliberated with and will be in cooperation with Bruco-sport, Limco-sport and the Flemish universities. The  frst  edition  will  be  on  20th  of  March  2010  at the  new  facilities  of  KHBO,  Brugge. We  opted  for  a multidisciplinary  approach with  discussion  of  science, physiology,  physiotherapy  and  sports  medicine, orthopaedic surgery, revalidation, radiology, cardiology but also nutrition and mental aspects.
The  first  congress will  give  an  update  on OVERUSE  in  all  its  aspects  i.e.  from  basic science  to  invasive  therapy and  from  tendon  to nutrition. The  Flemish and Walloon societies of  sports medicine and physiotherapy and Flemish and Walloon universities are involved. GRETHE MYKLEBUST of the famous OSLO TRAUMA CENTRE will present keynote lectures.

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Please, check "Biennial Congress for Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

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Health & Medicine: Orthopedics

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