73rd Harden Conference - Machines on genes II 2012

  • 19-23 Aug 2012
  • St Anne's College, Oxford, United Kingdom


73rd Harden Conference - Machines on genes II 2012 II is the central dogma at the interface of biology, chemistry and physics.

The 73rd Harden Conference - Machines on genes II 2012 II covers topics such as:

  • Biochemical and biophysical analysis of DNA:protein interactions
  • Mechanisms of DNA/RNA motor proteins
  • Architecture of multi-protein machines involved in complex DNA/RNA transactions
  • New mechanistic insights into DNA replication, recombination, repair and transcription
  • Application of new biophysical methods including single molecule detection

Past Events


Please, check "Harden Conference - Machines on genes II" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Science: Biochemistry, Life Sciences & Biology
Technology: Biotechnology

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