6th Gene Therapy Analytical Development and CMC Summit

  • 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 2024
  • Boston, MA, United States


6th Gene Therapy Analytical Development and CMC Summit is a conference dedicated to optimizing analytical methods to guarantee safe, high quality, consistent and efficacious gene therapy products.

6th Gene Therapy Analytical Development and CMC Summit covers topics such as:

  • How NGS methods can better inform your genome titers
  • How to transition your potency assay from early to late-stage
  • Producing contaminant-free and high yield vector batches at scale
  • Accurately measure partials in your samples
  • Leveraging automation and in-process analytical tools to improve CMC efficiency on a platform level

6th Gene Therapy Analytical Development and CMC Summit will be held in Boston, United States on 30 Oct - 01 Nov, 2024.


  • Boston, Massachusetts, United States

More Details

2999-5197 US Dollar (Estimated)
Hanson Wade

Future Events


Please, check "Gene Therapy Analytical Development and CMC Summit" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements

Event Categories

Health & Medicine: Genetics, Pharma
Science: Life Sciences & Biology
Technology: Biotechnology

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