The ICFNR 2024: International Conference on Food and Nutrition Research covers topics such as:
- Advances in dietary studies, methodology and design
- Design of intervention studies
- New statistical methods do derive intake data
- Data bases and data sharing
- Food metabolome and dietary biomarkers
- New methods for food intake
- Food and nutrient intake, dietary patterns, dietary guidelines
- Critical micronutrients in Europe: iodline, folate, vitamin D, including DRIs
- Global view on food and nutrition situation
- Recommendation on non-nutrient components
- Evidence-based dietary guidelines
- Dietary patterns in Europe
- Nutrition, public health, chronic diseases
- Diet and neurodegenerative diseases
- Diet in cancer prevention and therapy
- The "state of the art" of salt
- Dietary needs of old people (malnutrition)
- Population-based interventions including Obesity and DM
- Metabolic Diversity
- Linking genotype to phenotype
- Advanced phenotyping including metabolimics and imaging
- Microbiomes and human nutrition
- Systems biology approaches to nutrition
- From animals models to the human population
- Food quality, food safety, sustainability, consumer behavior and policy, effective communication strategies for behavioral change
- Food and consumer policies
- Behavioral regulation (nudging)
- Food safety and risk perception
- Sustainable food systems
- Food innovations
The ICFNR 2024: International Conference on Food and Nutrition Research will be held in Beijing, China as well as online on 03-04 Oct 2024.