ICGPCC 2024: International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing covers topics such as:
- Infrastructure softwarization
- Ubiquitous communications and networks
- Sensor, ad hoc networks, mobile agents, and networking
- Programmable and software defined networks
- Cloud, edge/fog, cluster, and grid computing
- Multimedia communications, machine to machine communications
- Service-oriented computing
- Mobile, peer-to-peer, and pervasive computing
- Internet of things, and cyber-physical systems
- Multi-core systems, parallel and distributed systems
- Energy-efficient computing, communication, and virtualization architectures and protocols
- Social network and services
- Energy-aware mobile cloud systems and large-scale applications
- Instrumentation and measurement studies on energy-efficient systems
- Innovative technologies for robustness and reliability of energy-aware systems
- Monitoring, sensing, control, and management of energy-aware systems
- Lightweight and efficient cryptography, communication, and mobile apps
- Trade-offs between performance, energy, and other resources in cloud sites and pervasive computing
- Integration, scheduling, and management of renewable energy sources
- Modeling and control of variability in demand and supply of green energy sources
- Data analytics for pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems
- Programming models, tools, and environments for and pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems
- Semantic web, semantic grid, metadata, and ontology related to cloud computing and pervasive computing
- Machine learning for pervasive computing and energy-efficient systems
- Economy and business models for cloud computing and pervasive computing
- Security and privacy for cloud computing and pervasive computing
- Incentives and innovative pricing for the management of cloud resources
- Service Level Agreements (SLAs) guarantee for customers in cloud computing
- Grid and pervasive applications, including e-Science, e-Business, smart city
ICGPCC 2024: International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing will be held in Venice, Italy as well as online on 11-12 Nov 2024.