The ICWPMMA 2025: International Conference on Water Pollution, Measurement, Modeling and Assessment covers topics such as:
- Water pollution
- Environmental engineering
- Non-point sources
- Point sources
- Environmental impacts and control
- Groundwater pollution
- Wastewater treatment technologies
- Measurement
- Assessment
- Modeling
- Water quality
- Safe water
- Pathogens
- Causes
- Thermal pollution
- Organic, inorganic and macroscopic contaminants
- Water reclamation
- Transport and chemical reactions of water pollutants
- Sampling
- Water cycle
- Chemical testing
- Physical testing
- Control of pollution
- Biological testing
- Industrial wastewater treatment
- Sewage treatment
- Erosion and sediment control from construction sites
- Agricultural wastewater treatment
- Water pollution by country
- Control of urban runoff (storm water)
The ICWPMMA 2025: International Conference on Water Pollution, Measurement, Modeling and Assessment might be held in Istanbul, Turkey in 15-16 Aug 2025.