The International Conference on Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting (ICMCGB 2024) covers topics such as:
- AI and Soft Computing in Multimedia
- Current Challenges in Multimedia
- Content-Based Image Retrieval / QBE
- Entertainment Industry
- E-Commerce and E-Learning
- Multimedia Embedded Systems
- Medical Image and Signal Processing
- Multimedia Indexing and Compression
- Multimedia in Telemedicine
- Multimedia Security
- Multimedia RDBMS Platforms
- Novel Multimedia Applications
- Virtual Reality and Game Technology
- Context-Aware Ubiquitous Computing
- Ambient and Artificial Intelligence
- IPv6 Foundations and Applications
- Database and Data Mining
- Software Engineering & Its Applications
- Novel Machine Architectures
- Parallel/Distributed/Grid Computing
- Protocols for Ubiquitous Services
- Semantic Web and Knowledge Grid
- Protocols for Ubiquitous Services
- Smart Home Network Middleware
- Smart Home and Natural Interfaces
- Ubiquitous Computing and Technology
- Ubiquitous Application Interfaces
- Ubiquitous Security
- Ubiquitous Database Methodologies
- U-Commerce and Other Applications
- Ubiquitous Sensor Networks / RFID
- Computational Photography
- U-Healthcare and Other Applications
- Computer Graphics and Simulation
- Computer Animation
- Computer Vision
- Computer Graphics in Industry
- Graphic Toolkits
- Data Compression for Graphics
- Graphics Systems Architecture
- Geometric Computing
- Interaction and HCI
- Image Based Rendering
- Physically Based Modeling
- Multimedia and Digital Media
- Rendering Techniques
- Point-based Graphics
- Shape and Surface Modelling
- Scientific Visualization
- Virtual Reality
- Stylized Rendering
- Web Graphics
- Augmented Reality
- Digital Content Creation and Distribution
- ATT U-verse
- ATT U-verse
- End-to-End IPTV Solutions
- DRM and CA
- Home PNA
- Game on Demand
- Image technology
- Human factors, Human machine interfaces
- Interactive TV
- Interactive broadcasting
- Internet TV
- Media technology
- Media Centre Solutions
- Online Video
- Mobile TVA
- Virtual set environments
- Traditional Media
The International Conference on Multimedia, Computer Graphics and Broadcasting (ICMCGB 2024) will be held in New York City, United States as well as online on 19-20 Sep 2024.