Power & Electrical Engineering is an exhibition dedicated to new technological solutions, products and services related to the production and implementation of modern electric engineering, electric installations and power systems.
Product & Service Categories
Energy machinery hot water boiler and support equipment, turbines and turbosupport equipment, heat-exchangers, diesels and diesel generators and compressors
Power industry water heating power, electric power, nuclear power, hydropower, small, alternative and renewable power systems
Gas supplying systems polymeric materials for gas supply, gas pipe-lines, gas heating systems, conjunctive, stop armature, regulators and gas pressure regulators
Electric equipment transformers, electric engines, electric generators, electric drives, wiring accessories, power electronics, electroinsulation products, cables, wires and lighting engineering
ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre ,
Leningradskaya oblast, south of St. Petersburg, near Petersburgskoye Highway, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation