Treadmills that convert the rotation of the belt into electricity
Pattern Recognition
Parallel and Distributed Computing
Programming Languages
Performance Evaluation
Robotics and Automation
Reconfigurable Computing Systems
Software Engineering
Security & Cryptography
Technology in Education
System Security
Theoretical Computer Science
Technology Management
Applied Sciences and Biosciences
Advances in Aerospace and Automotive and Agrotechnology
Mechatronics Applications in Agriculture and Regional Industries
Electrical and Electronic System
Intelligent Systems and Information Technology
Mechatronics applications in Cyber-physical Systems
Micro and Nano Systems
Material Science and Processing
Social Science Studies related to Engineering and Technology
Robotics, Mechatronics and Sensor Technology
Past Events
International Conference on Biomedical Research, Renewable Energy Applications and Applied Science (ICBRREPPS 2023) - 09-10 Nov 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (99597)
Please, check "International Conference on Biomedical Research, Renewable Energy Applications and Applied Science (ICBRREPPS)" official website for possible changes, before making any traveling arrangements
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