The International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2024) is dedicated to the various aspects of advances in Control and Automation.
The International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2024) covers topics such as:
- Advanced Technologies (i.e. MEMS and Nano-electronic Devices)
- Adaptive and Learning Control System
- Antenna and Propagation
- Analog Circuits
- Biomedical Circuits
- Assembly and Packaging
- Communication Theory and Information Theory
- Biomedical Engineering Systems
- Computer Architecture
- Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- Devices and Instruments
- Control Theory and Applications
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Digital Circuits
- Filters and Data Conversion Circuits
- Energy Conversion
- High Voltage Engineering and Insulation
- Fuzzy and Neural Control
- Industrial Applications Control
- Illumination
- Intelligent Systems
- Information and Networking
- Learning Technologies
- Knowledge and Data Engineering
- Manufacturing Control Systems and Applications
- Low Power Design and VLSI Physical Design
- Mechatronics
- Manufacturing Systems and Automation
- Mixed Signal Circuits
- Microwave Theory and Techniques
- Modulation, Coding, and Channel Analysis
- Mobile Computing
- Multimedia Systems
- Multimedia Services and Technologies
- Networks Design, Network Protocols and Network Management
- Navigation, Guidance and Control
- Optical Communications
- Nonlinear Circuits and Systems
- Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Parallel/Distributed Computing and Grid Computing
- Power Delivery
- Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits
- Power Engineering and Power Systems
- Power Electronics
- RF and Wireless Circuits
- Process Control, Monitoring, Design and Optimization, Automation
- Sensing and Sensor Networks
- Robotics and Applications
- Software Engineering
- Sensors and Signal Processing
- Visualization and Computer Graphics
- Test and Reliability
- Wireless/Mobile Communications & Technologies
The International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2024) brings together attendees from all countries
The International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2024) will be held in New York City, United States as well as online on 19-20 Sep 2024.